Faith with an open mind.

What is special about the Unitarian Church?

The shortest answer is that it is a church without a creed. It sees faith as something personal, developing and changing as we mature and acquire knowledge and experience.

In the light of this the Unitarian church provides a supportive religious environment, but does not preach any single set of beliefs, nor does it attempt to exercise any institutional authority over anyone’s life. There is no rite of passage into the church. (read more…)

The content of services varies, but usually consists of readings, music, prayers, a quiet time and an address. The texts may be taken from any worthwhile source. We also have family services and an active children’s program.

Shared Values

Unitarians find their bond of unity in shared values such as:

    • The nurture of life’s spiritual dimension.
    • The use of a reason and honest doubt in the search for Truth.
    • Mutual respect and goodwill in personal relations.
    • Constructive tolerance and openness towards the sincerely held beliefs of others.
    • Peace, compassion, justice and democracy in human affairs.
    • Reverence for the earth and the whole natural system of which we are part.

We aspire to make these values visible in the way we live our lives, as individual and as a community. (click for more on our social action activities...)


Personal Statements

These personal statements shared by members of Meadrow during a Sunday service, give a flavour of the diversity of Unitarian belief: