Godalming Unitarian Chapel
Meadrow, Godalming GU7 3JB

The nearest railway stations are Farncombe and Godalming on the Waterloo-Portsmouth line.
Look for our noticeboard on the Guildford to Portsmouth Road as you approach Godalming (Left Hand Side)

Leave Farncombe station by the back exit. At the end of Station Place take St. John’s Street, which is opposite and slightly to the right. Turn left into Fern Road and then right into King’s Road, which is on the map above. The walk takes about ten minutes.
From Godalming station turn left, then take the second left into Borough Road where St. Peter & St. Paul’s church is on the corner. Cross the river and turn right at the cross-roads into Chalk Road. At the roundabout take the Guildford direction, which is Meadrow. This walk takes about twenty minutes. In good weather you can cut off a corner by walking along the river, taking the path next to St. Peter & St. Paul’s church, but the river area is prone to flooding after heavy rain. Taking the river path would bring you out in Bridge Road. Turn left here, then right at the roundabout into Meadrow.