Our community welcomes all those who seek the meaning of life and believe that religion is wider than any one creed and deeper than any one set of opinions. We encourage exploration of truth from diverse sources and value insights from different faith perspectives. We have respect for Christian tradition coupled with an open spirituality which encourages freedom of individual thought and conscience. We believe in the inherent worth and dignity of all – regardless of race, creed, disability, age, gender and sexuality – and seek to be an inclusive community who care about each other and the world.

The Chapel is Open

The wellbeing of our diverse Chapel community remains our top priority. We now offer the majority of our services as “hybrid” in chapel (just turn up) and simultaneously streamed on Zoom.  For more information about Sunday services please contact the Chapel office:: office@unitariangodalming.org.uk

Please contact webadmin@unitariangodalming.org.uk to access online Zoom Sunday services. Interested in viewing a typical recorded service? Click here.

New minister started April 2023

We are please to announce that Revd Martin Whitell started his ministry with Godalming Unitarians on April 9th 2023 (Easter Sunday). He willl be regularly taking services (usually the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month).  The trustees are very excited to have Martin on board and look forward to working with him to promote the well-being of our community.

Donate to Godalming Unitarians

As well as accepting donations via the collection plate when we have services, we also welcome donations online to keep the chapel running through this difficult period.


If you would like to make a donation via bank card please click here. If you prefer to send us a cheque, pay via BACS or set up a regular direct debit then please contact us via office@unitariangodalming.org.uk.

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